The Fine Print

Screening is never not required; my safety is top of mind. I use real world info and refrain from providing or relying on references. (“Okays” from an advertising platform don’t usually constitute screening, particularly if your membership doesn’t include employment verification.) I’m more than happy to sign a NDA if you have privacy concerns, and have signed them in the past. The sooner we get the basics out of the way, the faster we can get to the good stuff.

Accommodating same-day bookings is usually not possible. It’s best to schedule several days in advance, minimum. I love a man with a plan.


My tribute is non-negotiable. It should be placed inside an unsealed envelope at the beginning of our session, in plain view. When meeting in public, please have it inside a greeting card or gift bag.


This site is not to be confused with solicitation of any kind. Money or gifts exchanged are for my time and companionship only. Anything that may or may not occur beyond that is a matter between two consenting adults.